Devika AI vs. Devin AI (Detailed Comparison)

Devika AI vs Devin aI

In 2024, there were two new AI assistants launched and constantly evolving. Devika AI and Devin AI are two such AI agentic assistants that have captured attention for their unique capabilities and approaches. Both assistants aim to enhance the user experience and productivity. This article will provide a detailed comparison between Devika AI and Devin … Read more

How to use Devika AI?

This article will guide you on how you can use the Devika AI and install it on your local PC. Prerequisite to install Devika AI: Ensure you have Git, Python and Ollama installed on your system. Devika AI Installation Steps: Installing Devika AI involves a series of precise steps that ensure smooth functionality and optimal performance. Let’s dive into each … Read more

Devika AI Setup: A Comprehensive Guide

Devika AI is an AI agentic platform designed to facilitate the creation of AI-powered applications through a combination of cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interfaces. This article aims to provide a detailed overview of setting up and using Devika AI based on firsthand experiences and insights shared by a developer. Setting Up Devika AI: The initial … Read more