Devika AI Installation

Devika AI Setup(Quick Guide)


Before proceeding, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  1. Git: Version control system for cloning repositories and managing code.
  2. Python: Programming language required for running Devika’s backend.
  3. Ollama: Open-source platform for accessing self-hosted language models.

Clone Devika Repository:

To get started, follow these steps to clone the Devika repository onto your desktop:

git clone <repository_url>

Replace <repository_url> with the URL of the Devika repository. This command will download the repository files onto your local machine, providing you with access to Devika’s source code and resources.

Install Dependencies:

Navigate to the Devika folder in your terminal and install the necessary dependencies using the following command:

cd devika
pip install -r requirements.txt

This command will install all required Python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file, ensuring that Devika’s backend components are properly configured and ready for execution.

Configure APIs:

Next, set up API keys for any required services by editing the config.yml file located in the Devika folder. Open the file in a text editor of your choice and add the necessary API keys or configuration settings as per the documentation provided for each service.

# config.yml

  github: <github_api_key>
  netlify: <netlify_api_key>
  # Add more API keys as required

Replace <github_api_key> and <netlify_api_key> with your respective API keys for GitHub and Netlify, or any other services utilized by Devika.

Start Devika Server:

Once the dependencies are installed and APIs configured, you’re ready to launch the Devika server. Use the provided command to start the server:


This command will initiate the Devika server, allowing you to interact with its backend functionalities and access its powerful AI capabilities.

Compile and Run UI:

Finally, to access Devika’s frontend and unleash its full potential, compile and run the Devika UI using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the ui folder within the Devika directory.
  2. Compile the UI source code as per the provided instructions.
  3. Run the compiled UI to launch the frontend interface.

Devika AI Install: Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Backend Development

1.1 Cloning the Repository

Begin by accessing the Devika AI repository on GitHub, housed at Use the following command to clone the repository to your local system:

git clone

1.2 Navigating to the Devika Folder

Once cloned, transition into the Devika directory using the command:

cd devika

1.3 Creating a Virtual Environment

Harness the power of isolation by crafting a dedicated virtual environment named ‘devika1’ with Python 3.11 using Conda:

conda create -n devika1 python=3.11 -y

1.4 Installing Requirements

Next, install the essential dependencies outlined in the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

1.5 Integrating Playwright

Empower your Devika AI with Playwright and its dependencies with a single command:

playwright install --with-deps

1.6 Configuring API Keys

Navigate to the config.toml file and infuse it with vitality by incorporating your API keys for pivotal services such as Bing and Claude.

1.7 Launching Devika Server

Initiate the Devika server, heralding the dawn of AI-driven solutions, by executing:


Step 2: Frontend Development

2.1 Installing Bun

Embark on the frontend journey by installing Bun. Follow the comprehensive instructions provided at For Windows PowerShell, execute the following command:

powershell -c "irm|iex"

2.2 Verification of Bun Installation

Ensure a seamless installation of Bun by confirming its presence in PowerShell:


2.3 Installation of UI Dependencies

Nurture the UI development environment by installing its dependencies:

bun install

2.4 Commencement of UI Development Server

Unleash the potential of the UI by initiating the development server:

bun run dev


By following these simple steps, you can quickly set up Devika on your system and use its powerful features to enhance your development experience.